Eustachian Tube Disorder (ETD) is the blockage of the tube that connects the middle ear to the back of the throat. Symptoms may include feeling of fullness in the ears, ringing or popping in the ears, decreased hearing and dizziness. Common causes of ETD may include allergies, colds, or sinus infections. Drs. Mendians and Hengy will conduct a full ear, nose and throat exam to determine the underlying cause of ETD. Other testing may be necessary such as hearing testing or allergy testing. Treatments such as antibiotics or insertion of Pressure Equalization (PE) tubes in the eardrums to drain any fluid behind the eardrum and equalize the pressure would be considered, or Myringotomy or Tympanostomy with insertion of Ventilating Tube.
Call Western Michigan ENT at (231) 398-9536 for more information or to schedule an appointment.